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DGS Permanent Housing


Washington, DC


30,000 SF

The Shinberg Levinas + Leo A Daly Design Team has created a building that is a part of the larger community. More than a permanent supportive housing project alone, the building is integrated into the neighborhood through its \ massing and scale, bringing a new artificial and hopeful focus to the community. The design and language of the building create an image that the neighborhood can be proud of as a commitment to community and revitalization. The bright color of the artificial stucco provides a visual contrast to make the building stand out from adjacent buildings. That stucco is complemented by Resysta, a wood-like material that provides natural warmth as an accent at windows as a shade screen system and window sill, and as a motif through the outside and inside of the building. This natural fiber compound is water-resistant, sustainable, and nearly identical to wood, but does not require maintenance like wood. Building an organization can integrate reuse of the existing buildings.

Utilizing the advantages of a long, narrow lot, our design captures the slope in back as a natural buffer. One strong benefit to this site layout is that it provides the use of outdoor spaces as transitional spaces and for additional gathering spaces (patio/plaza at the front, contained playground at the side) to further encourage a sense of community among the residents. The exterior and interior design represent an appealing and attractive facility while meeting the requirement identified in the solicitation within the available budget and schedule. The building massing is carefully scaled to the same height and length as surrounding buildings. The building has been designed to the maximum extent possible with an open floor plan to allow visibility, between spaces. The building design respects nature through sustainability, efficient use of materials and therefore long term durability. These are all important.

The building responds to the residents’ need to feel the support of the community and the city as they transition to self-sufficiency.

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